Fine Art Confectionary Non-perishable, no calorie, forever memories
Humorous, Fine Art Takes on Disney Treatsn
Now all-time culinary favorites can go home with you and last forever--the perfect no-calorie ever-lasting memory.
As seen in the SOBO Gallery , Winter Garden, Barnes has released a limited number of specially-created originals and a limited number of Artist's prints, signed, numbered with a certificate of authenticity.
A satiric take to make non-perishable must-have treats, yes, but they are also forever memories.
A Whole Candy Store of Choices
Barnes challenged herself with creating a Fine Art Confectionary Store
Mickety Apple
Minnie Apple
Mickey Rice Krispie
Minnie Rice Krispie
Evil Queen Apple
Four of July Apple
50th Anniversary Apple
100th Apple
Giant Lollipop
Little Lollipops
Color Confectionary
Current Exclusives as seen as at the SOBO Gallery, WInter Garden, FL
The 'monochrome' series actually is full of color. Barnes mises burnt sienna with ultramarine blue and titanium white for her value study paintings but , depending one the subject, sutble colors are painted in the mix to subliminally identify the 'treat.'
Sample proofs seen here.
Monochromes are sophistocated works.